New Owner Checklist
( printable down below )
The Cage
- A Chinchilla safe cage
- Multiple wooden ledges
- Metal or Ceramic food dish
- Glass water bottle
- A dust bath house
- Chew toys
- Hidey house
- Hay feeder
Other Optional Cage Supplies
- Wooden Tunnels
- PVC Tunnels
- Fleece hanging cube houses
- Fleece hammocks
- Marble or granite cooling tiles
- Play structures
- Lava ledges
- Bridges
- 14" or larger Wheel
Care Supplies
- A quality Chinchilla or Rabbit pellet
- Safe treats
- Bathing Dust
- Timothy hay ( or other safe hay )
- Chew sticks / blocks
- First aid kit
Other Supplies you may find useful
- The address and phone number for an Exotic Vet.
- A travel cage
- A pet sitter's number
- A metal travel carrier
- A travel spring-loaded water bottle
- Shop vac for cleaning up cages and surrounding areas
- Storage containers/ Organizing containers
- Portable air conditioner for emergencies
- Sewing machine